NYSD What to Wear when Halloweening

OCTOBER 29, 2020 GUEST DIARY• BY: KAREN KLOPP AND HILARY DICK The witching hour is fast approaching and what to do about a maleficent, Covid-thwarted Halloween!? What doth portend for this ghastly, blood-curdling ritual practiced by the Celts since the dark ages. The...

November Editor’s Letter

Thank you Christine Schott for the photo. @PalmBeachSocialDiary Dear Friends,  November blows in with a gust of wind and perhaps winds of change! Whatever the outcome in the 2020 Presidential Election, the upcoming days are sure to be an instructive lesson in civic...

NYSD Gay Polo Tournament

MARCH 24, 2021 GUEST DIARY• BY: KAREN KLOPP AND HILARY DICK Looking for a high-goal getaway?  Full gallop to the Lexus International Gay Polo Tournament presented by Douglas Elliman Real Estate for a weekend of non-stop fun & feteing.  The event kicks off at the...

April Editor’s Letter

With Chip McKenney, founder of Gay Polo League Dear Friends,  April brings a sense of renewal and repurpose as symbolized by the sacred celebrations of Passover and Easter.   It seems especially meaningful this year as we slowly recover from the endless isolation of...

NYSD Red Sneakers For Oakley

Wearing RED SNEAKERS FOR OAKLEY MAY 18, 2021 GUEST DIARY• BY: KAREN KLOPP AND HILARY DICK In November 2016, Oakley Debbs died due to a fatal anaphylactic reaction resulting from a mild nut allergy.  Oakley was just 11 years old. His parents turned their grief into...
Mita bland on electric bike

Pedal E Bike into Summer

Ptolemy is not pleased with Mita pedaling off without him My fit and fab friend Mita Bland was raving about her E-Bike (Electric Bike) so I decided to do a little research into this  latest trend and how to choose an electric bike.   Why not try something new? ...

December Editor’s Letter

Meghan, Adam and KK at J.McLaughlin’s Dear Friends,  This December, all at once, we are both celebratory and circumspect for what lies just ahead.   Omicron is lurking in the shadows and our desire is to blast the lights and expedite its disappearance.   The...

April Editor’s Letter

With Gigi & Harry Benson Dear Friends,  April brings a sense of renewal and repurpose as symbolized by the sacred celebrations of Passover and Easter.   It is also Earth Month as concerned citizens of the world bring action and attention to preserving natural...
Karen Klopp & Hilary Dick

December Editor’s Letter

Ho Ho Ho! Dear Friends, December is here in all its glory!  The ghost of Covid past and future still linger in the corners but nothing is stopping the celebration of this year’s beloved holiday. Breathtaking decorations abound and the lilt of seasonal tunes ramp up...

Shopping Our Friends By Hilary

Hilary glamming it up at Glamourpuss Tis the season to give and receive. And we especially love to support our friends’ brands at this time of year by selecting presents from their amazing lines. Whether it be a piece of jewelry, a fabulous bag, caftan or cozy coat .....