Rompers & Jumpsuits

I noticed when I was in Virginia for my daughter’s graduation that rompers were a big trend. One cute girl after another wore them at all of the various events. I am not sure if I am too old to sport this look. But I was curious to see what styles could work for...

Walker & Wade

  Last summer, while visiting Nantucket, I had the pleasure of sitting next to Laurette Kittle at dinner. Charming and full of life, I liked her immediately and started following her on Instagram. I had no idea that she was the founder of Walker & Wade until I saw...

Miracle on Madison

I am thrilled that for the 4th year in a row, the Miracle on Madison Avenue shopping event is benefiting The Society of Memorial Sloan Kettering. On Saturday, December 5th, participating stores on Madison Avenue will donate 20 percent of their sales that day to MSKCC....

Summer Eyelet

Ah eyelet – just the word brings back happy memories of summers long past, and of little girls dressing up for star-lit nights of chasing fire flies. It is still as fresh and crisp today as it was back then.  Good news, there are still great white eyelet dresses...

Hilary Picks New Year New Gear

The New Year is a perfect time to freshen your work out gear and get motivated to hit those health goals. Each year, like millions of others, I make a plan to exercise more, and cut back on my eating and drinking. I can’t say it has been successful but January 1st...

Shop the Day Away

This is the best of all worlds,  shopping fabulous items for a very good cause.   I attended last year and was sorry that I ran out of retail time so going to be the first in line!  The 2018 Shop The Day Away Luncheon™ features Palm Beach’s most fabulous silent...

NYC Ballet Honors Jerome Robbins

What a year for the New York City Ballet Spring Gala as they celebrate the 100th Birthday of their illustrious Co-Founding Choreographer, Jerome Robbins.  On May 3 guest will be educated and entertained by a discussion of his lasting impact on dance hosted by...

NYSD Thanksgiving Dressing

 “The First Thanksgiving 1621,” oil painting by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris, circa 1912-1915 Thanksgiving seems to be everyone’s favorite holiday and with good reason.  No gifts, no decorating, at least not too much, just family, friends and tables groaning with seasonal...

NYSD Thanksgiving Dinner

                                 “The First Thanksgiving 1621,” oil painting by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris, circa 1912-1915 Thanksgiving seems to be everyone’s favorite holiday and with good reason.  No gifts, no decorating, at least not too much, just family, friends...

Labor Day at Limerock

If you are wondering what to do on the upcoming holiday weekend, here is an off road idea. Now in its 37th year, the Historic Festival at Lime Rock Park has been a time-honored tradition since 1982. Enjoy vintage car racing at its best.The event opens on Thursday,...