hot girls pearls

At a girls-only birthday bash, someone brought out a pair of these and guess what – they work!  If you are trying to figure out how to cool off this summer, these bauble are for you.  It is hot flash relief in an instant,   If you are flushed, flustered, feverish, fuming, flaming, fried, or flabbergasted, Hot Girls Pearls is your fabulous, freezable, fashion-forward, frosty fix.

Hot Girls Pearls are the first and only fashion accessory that provide natural relief for hot flashes caused by menopause, anxiety, heat waves, and anything that has you hot and bothered. Disguised as a lovely strand of trendy, yet classic pearls, this natural cure for hot flashes instantly and effectively reduces body temperature, and makes you feel cool, calm and collected. It also keeps you looking fabulous! With oversized pearls filled with nontoxic cooling gel, these elegant necklaces get arctic cold in the freezer. Then, they stay nice and icy cool on you! Who knew hot flash relief could look so good!

Hot Girls Pearls

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