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We cannot wait to get our hands on what will become the on-line fashion industry’s bible, By Invitation Only, How we Built Gilt and Changed the Way Millions Shop, written by the dynamic and legendary duo,  Alexis Maybank and Alexandra Wilkis, founders of Gilt Groupe. Alexis and I wrote By Invitation Only in the interest of inspiring others to pursue business ideas they are passionate about, as we have done with Gilt Groupe.  We also hope to encourage our readers to relook at the way they innovate day to day in their current jobs.  We’re hoping our book appeals not just to entrepreneurs, but to anyone interested in technology, marketing, venture capital, and of course, fashion, retail and luxury.

Maybank and Wilson explain how they launched a simple yet groundbreaking business that catered to their passions. They provide straight talk on how to build a start-up and negotiate the conundrums that still face women in business. For Gilt customers interested in an inside view of the fashion industry, they also provide a revealing portrait of key players like Zac Posen, Christian Louboutin, Valentino, and many others.

Harvard MBAs Alexis Maybank and Alexandra Wilkis Wilson, best friends and dedicated sample sale shoppers, saw the industry-changing potential of taking sample sales onto the Internet. In November 2007, they launched their members-only Web site to a select national group of thirteen thousand young, high-end shoppers. They offered 50–70 percent off luxury brands like John Varvatos and Valentino, in “flash” sales lasting just thirty-six hours. It became an immediate viral hit as members rapidly invited friends to join. In four short years, Gilt Groupe has spawned dozens of imitators and grown to five million members and has a valuation of $1 billion.

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