What To Take On Board


Best foot forward – no sneakers, please! This is the first part of the trip so dress for it. Layering is a good idea because even in summer, the plane can be chilly. 

Wear slacks with some lycra, a knit shirt and a jacket or sweater. Shoes should be comfortable but stylish. Ballet Flats or wedges are a good idea. Depending on the climate, take a coat – we like a packable trench. Never travel without a pashmina or wrap; it can function as a blanket, a pillow or as a cozy escape from a pushy seatmate. Pack all of your essentials in a chic but sturdy tote.


  • Airline ticket
  • Passport
  • Wallet
  • Medication
  • Cell phone & charger
  • Laptop and charger (optional)
  • Day Book or small notebook
  • Sunglasses & Case
  • Eye Glasses & Case
  • Pashmina or other wrap
  • Slippers or socks (for long flights)
  • Make up
  • Small hairbrush or comb
  • Reading material (good book, magazines, guide book)
  • Toothpaste and toothbrush and face cream
  • Money in the currency of your destination
  • Bottle of water
  • Electrical adaptor, if traveling abroad
  • iPod or CD player and headphones
  • Folder containing your itinerary; articles about your destination; friends’ recommendations, a print out from weather.com, and a copy of your passport
  • Bag with Jewelry
  • Camera and Charger (pack the charger in your suitcase)