On of our favorite family traditions is the lighting trees on Park Avenue where friends and strangers gather to raise our voices as one. Our vastest of our town is reduced to a single minded community to celebrate the wonderful holiday of Christmas. The tradition is non-denominational and ecumenical in its inclusive spirit.
The origins of the special event are particularly poignant. The lighting began in 1945 when several Park Avenue families wanted a special way to honor those men and women who had died in World War II. Today the illuminated trees – which appear on the malls between 54th and 97th Streets – remain a symbol of peace and a reminder of the sacrifices made to attain it.

For What to Wear to the holiday tree lighting? Another yearly tradition we uphold is popping into J. McLaughlin around the corner on Madison to check out what is new and festive for the season. As always, there is so much to choose from. Separates seem to be the order of the day, especially the seasonal tartans and bright red pieces. Each season they present an elegant selection of shoes and boots fit any occasion

Barbara McLaughlin who heads up The Fund for Park Avenue explains, “In the early days, the cost of the Tree Lighting was underwritten by a few families but now this sparkling display is made possible each year by contributions The Fund for Park Avenue receives from the community.”
It wouldn’t be the Tree Lighting without my fave photo of Roger Webster and Barbara McLaughlin, President of Fund for Park Avenue. Roger, we still miss you!

Here is the song sheet to print, it is meant to be folded.