This time of year rolls around with my favorite landscape in the country. Leaves have fallen, fields are rich with muted shades, fire are lit my thoughts turn to Thanksgiving Dressing – Sweater Dressing, that is! They are so easy to wear with boots and tights, a pair of great hoop earrings and you look so thoughtfully put together. The well-priced Buckle Trim Dress from Ralph Lauren, is my personal fave – it comes in three shades. Fair Isle style is very much on the scene this year and it is a perennial classic. And for an office Holiday Party, why not decorate the room in a vibrant scarlet Midi.

Our day starts at Smithfield Farms

Rocky is ready

The table is set

KK’s favorite landscape

Then we are off to follow the hounds on foot

Jake & KK serve sherry & port at Wethersfield Garden

Stopping by to see Elizabeth Mayhew, aka The Dutchy of Millbrook

Her table explodes with goodies galore

Back home, Rocky waits patiently

Sunset over the paddocks