MAY 14, 2020

Let’s face it, for the foreseeable future we will have to face off against Covid-19. The positive results of social distancing and covered faces are just too compelling to ignore. And rather than be long faced about it, we are going to embrace the trend to get us back to work, support reopened establishments, and enjoy safe, face to face social gatherings.
Since the start of the spread, manufacturing companies did a quick about-face and pitched in to produce N95 Respirator Masks, which block 95% of airborne particles, so essential for the doctors and nurses in the ICU. Next in effectiveness are the Surgical or Medical Masks, consisting of several layers of synthetic fabric, which protect both the wearer and those in proximity. Both of these are reserved for health care professionals, who continue to battle the deadly foe. God bless them all!

And then there are various non-medical masks that we are all facing up to. Right now many are pulling out the old Singer and fashioning their own masks. Designers everywhere have put their talents and manufacturing to work, distributing masks to those who need them or selling them and donating the proceeds. We have seen the good and the bad, but as a whole, Americans rally together in times of crisis.
American icon Ralph Lauren is donating 250,000 face masks and 25,000 isolation gowns; and the company has fashioned a campaign to design a polo shirt for Covid Relief.
Melanie Seymour Holland has introduced us to Masks by Caroline, a collection hand sewn in Atlanta — buy one and one will be donated. Right now the basics from Ralph Lauren feel very comforting.

In addition to donating 20,000 surgical masks to medical professionals, Nicole Miller demonstrates how to make a mask.
In the face of the pandemic, Hilary and I turned our thoughts to solutions that are both stylish and wearable long-term. As always, her choices are both practical and chic.

“As masks become the new norm it has been heartening to see designers and companies jump on the trend. And many of them are giving the proceeds to food banks and covid fighting entities. Since we will be wearing them into the summer, I have been looking for masks that are light in color and complement any outfit. I am especially partial to Liberty of London prints because they make the mask a bit more feminine . . . it is the first one I wore, made by a friend.”

My collection of neck gaiters, or face buffs, used for hiking and fishing have come in handy.
I feel fortunate to be quarantined in the sunny southern clime.
And look who I ran into at the tennis court? None other than iconic band leader and consummate style setter, Alex Donner. He models his birthday mask from a recent Princeton reunion. As a (dashing) undergrad, Alex joined the Princeton Nassoons and formed his first band. The rest, as they say . . . is musical history.
Going forward, We will be investing in stylish masks to match our moods and attire, such as the ones from Nicole’s Collection.
And speaking of fishing, there are a variety of hats designed to block long days of the sun that could be face savers this summer.

These Plexi hats are also very practical, as they have SPF as well as a shield for air and moisture.

We recommend a visor with a drop down shield for sporting activities.

Our colorful friend, Jamee Gregory, is always the stylesetter.
This is kind of cute!

We styled this hat for a summer day lunch.

Fans are another accessory whose time has come. Although they don’t have quite the germ blocking capabilities as masks, in some social situations they can be a useful deterrent. And suggest a mysterious and seductive countenance.
Our friend Teresa Colley always carries a fan or two when she travels. Here she is at a wedding with the beautiful Laly Mansur in Sota Grande, Spain.
When attending weddings, we may be donning a mask to the ceremony, embracing a fan for the reception, and replacing the mask for distanced dancing. This sequin mask from Ripley Radar is really quite festive. If you buy one, two are donated to health care workers. I suppose we should embrace the “New Normal!”

And while not exactly germ proof, large hats can also remind us to keep our distance.

We found this vintage mourning hat on Ebay. Perhaps they will come back into vogue.

And also on Ebay we discovered a few other ways to say “Get out of my face!”

Our two beautiful and dedicated young friends are doctors who are both working in Covid-19 ICU hospital units. On the left is Ellie Morse, who practices at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City; on the right is her BFF Lulu Rault, who practices in New Orleans, another Covid-19 hotbed. We send them and every other healthcare hero our love and heartfelt thanks for their selfless support.
In their honor, we have designated NewYork-Presbyterian as our Charity of the Month. Please consider making a donation. And be generous to your own causes. They will all need maximal support to continue their important missions.
Be smart, stay safe, and #SupportHeathCareHeroes.