Dear Friends, Last month was a wonderful blur of activities and son Jake’s wedding. Then November started off with a bang with Co Chairing the Millbrook Hunt Ball with Meghan. It was a stunning evening in memory of our great mate, Parker Gentry, who was a Master of the Hunt and an expert in many other endeavors. The community came out to spectacularly support the renaming of the puppy hound kennels in her honor. November is my favorite month visually, as the color fades and drops, transforming the landscape into a painting of muted brushstrokes. Thanksgiving, although late in the month, will be upon us before you know it. So break out your boots and your warm and cozy clothes, and join us in our pursuit of fun and fashion. Our Charity of the Month is Red Sneakers for Oakley, an organization that has gone global in teaching precautions for children with food allergies. We are thankful for them. xxookk