THE DAILY: Tribute to Jeffrey Slonim
VOGUE: Victoria Beckham’s Line for Target
NY TIMES: A Farewell to Bill Cunningham
TOWN & COUNTRY: Smithsonian’s Campaign to Save Dorothy’s Slippers
GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM: Isaac Mizrahi Peter and the Wolf Tickets
THE DAILY: Tribute to Jeffrey Slonim
VOGUE: Victoria Beckham’s Line for Target
NY TIMES: A Farewell to Bill Cunningham
TOWN & COUNTRY: Smithsonian’s Campaign to Save Dorothy’s Slippers
GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM: Isaac Mizrahi Peter and the Wolf Tickets
What2WearWhere was founded in 2009 to help today’s busy women shop for life’s events, sports, workplace and travel. Karen Klopp & Hilary Dick, plus stylish friends and editors, have come together to answer the eternal question, “What should I wear?!” Have a special event, travel destination or attire related query – let us know and we will be back to you asap with reliable advice. “We take the guesswork of of dressing, the legwork out of shopping, and the panic out of packing.”