Karen Klopp, John Klopp, Meghan Klopp, Christi deSimone, Jake Klopp, Adam Klop, James Kelly Klopp
Jake’s engagment party, under the Camperdown Elm, Fizzy Filly Bar in the background.

Dear Friends, I am writing this as I travel from East Hampton to NYC, on the Hampton Jitney, a highly comfortable and recommended way to travel.  I had a 48 hour whirlwind of activities and managed to take a walk on the glorious beach as well.  August is filled with my favorite activities – swimming, tennis, golf, watching polo and dinner with friends under our amazing Camperdown Elm Tree which provides a lush canopy of shade and atmosphere.  After almost 25 years, we are leaving Smithfield Farms so this month will bring about many “lasts” for us.   Although bittersweet for sure, I welcome change and the new possibilities for the future.   Enjoy the last of summer’s embrace!  xxookk

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