What to Wear NFWF Great Outdoors

On Saturday, September 28 at Tudor Investment Campus in Greenwich, Connecticut, pull out your blue jeans and head to the 10th Annual National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Celebrating the Great Outdoors, honoring Louis Bacon and Governor Chris Christie.   Cocktails and outdoor games will commence at 5:30 pm, and will include competitive log rolling, a zipline and ropes course, ATVs, a hot air balloon, and of course trout pond fishing. A BBQ dinner and live auction will follow at 7:30, and the evening will end with a flourish of fireworks at 9pm.  For more information about the evening, call Emily Kline, Event Associates  at 212.581.8717 or email nfwf@eventassociatesinc.com.

For what to wear to this awesome outdoor extravaganza, when the dress-code is “Blue Jeans”, we hiked over to Ralph Lauren, a designer who embodies adventure-chic, and found a fabulous collection to mix and match all season long.  Start with a perfect pair of slim fitting jodhpurs, either denim, suede or stretch, add a silk blouse for a little seductive appeal and add a perfect suede jacket to ward off the chillly fall nights.  Pick a pair of boot, add some rugged-chic accessories – who says The Great Outdoors can’t be sexy?  Please remember when you click through our site to purchase, 10% of our commission is donated to our Charity of the Month.

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what to wear nfwf great outdoors

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Rugged Chic Accessories, Click on the Image Below to Purchase.

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national fish and wildife great outdoors



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