Dear Friends, 

Oops July is one third past and I am just putting pen to paper – or rather fingers to keyboard.  July has been a most active month, beginning in London for a graduation, an inaugural trip to Wimbledon and catching up with friends.   The weather was perfect and I clocked 8 miles of walking a day, while tubing all over town. Hilary is gearing up for the 2019 12 Metre Championship in Newport – you can read about it in our New York Social Diary article.  The rest of the summer we will be working on answering queries from friends who are traveling this summer, while fitting in some enjoyment of the most glorious season of the year. My goal is to hit at least one museum a week, have a picnic in the park, and go places I have never been.   Our Charity of the Month is The Samuel Waxman Cancer Foundation, there big event, The Hamptons Happening is a terrifically fun and important fundraising event.   Wherever the season takes you, have a safe and an interesting one.

karen klopp

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