What to Wear 4th of July

Ralph Lauren’s The Spirit of Summer. A collection of styles inspired by Americana and the spirit of July 4th, caught our eye in honor of our country’s greatest holiday. A little on the history from PBS. “On July 8, 1776, the first public readings of the Declaration were held in Philadelphia’s Independence Square to the ringing of bells and band music. One year later, on July 4, 1777, Philadelphia marked Independence Day by adjourning Congress and celebrating with bonfires, bells and fireworks. The custom eventually spread to other towns, both large and small, where the day was marked with processions, oratory, picnics, contests, games, military displays and fireworks.” So, whether you are celebrating on a beach or a boat, saluting the day at a patriotic parade, or viewing a festive firework show with friends, Ralph Lauren, one of our  iconic American designers, will have you standout on this momentous day.

Give yourself a holiday gift by watching this video of Kate Smith singing “God Bless America” from This is the Army a 1943 film directed by Michael Curtiz.  By the end of the video, I promise a tear in your eye and a proud drum in your heart.


Beach & Boat

Beach & Pool

Picnics and Parades 

Picnic Galore

Friends & Fireworks

Friends & Fireworks


Enjoy an additional 25% off select items for a total of 60% off with code SUMMER14 at ralphlauren.com. Offer is valid 6/24 -6/30.



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