Dear Friends, I subscribe to Merriam Webster’s Word of the Day which can be quite timely and entertaining.   Today’s word is canicular, of or relating to the period between early July and early September when hot weather occurs in the northern hemisphere.   The origin is latin, from the word canicula, or “small dog”, thus we are certainly in the “dog days” of summer.  With the high heat and humidity upon us, our shopping will consist of easy, breeze frocksto wear day and night, in town or country.    When the heat spell finally bursts, we will be ready with our collection white jeansand fabulous tunicsof the season. Summer statement jewelrycan also add an element of easy sophistication on style.   We hope you read our New York Social Diary article on the Founding Fathersand enjoy the holiday in the safety of family and loved ones. We are continuing our partnership with Red Sneakers for Oakley.

Karen Klopp Signature

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